Dr. Mezyad Alterkawi, CEO of RTIC-KSU, selected as Editorial Advisory Board member for famous International Business Magazine
In a significant achievement for King Saud University's global recognition,
Associate Professor and CEO of Riyadh Technology Incubation Center (RTIC),
Dr. Mezyad Alterkawi has been accredited with membership to the Editorial
Advisory Board for the famous international business magazine, Asia Pacific
Business Technology Report. The Asia Pacific Business Technology Report is
one of the most recognized and read business reports in the Asia Pacific
region along with a significant global audience. The news further highlights
the international acknowledgment that King Saud University is achieving
these days, along with the accomplishments of RTIC. Dr. Mezyad said he was
both honored and delighted to have worked as a representative of King Saud
University at an international stage of such great significance. The
September issue of the Business Magazine can be viewed online at: